
Lunsford Investments , the Profit that Lunsford Investments makes , and how I reinvest the Capital from the Holdindings.

I move the Profit , to ING Direct Savings and CD's accounts. All the Capital is reinvested into the Company. The only way to grow the Company is to make the most Important Investment. Which is " Lunsford Investments ".

Profits , from all Stocks that pays a Dividend. The Capital Gains "IF" Lunsford Investments , sells a " Holding " in a company. The Profit , from all " AD's" that Lunsford Invests make from " ALL " of our Websites. And the ING Directs accounts , is set-up to Reinvest into the Company.

The ING accounts , Savings account earns 1.25% APY. And their are two CD's accounts . A 6mths and a 12mths . The 6mths CD earns 1.25% APY. The 12mth CD earns 1.60% APY.
With more CD accounts yet to come. As the Lunsford Investments grows so will the " Spreedsheet".

The Future of Lunsford Investments , is strong and bright. The company's first goal is to become one of the best and strongest " Holding Company ". In the Business Today and in the Future.

Lunsford Investments
Mike D Lunsford.


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