Monday, January 19, 2015

Getting rich from Silver

Getting rich from buying Silver .
Now , I have posted a few days ago about Lunsford Investments , buying and holding Gold and Silver. In this post I will talk more about Silver .

Cell phones , computers , tablets all have silver in them . Silver is a great conductor or these products. And these products are not going away . They are becoming higher and higher in demand . So , more are being made so more silver , is being used . The demand for silver is going up . Just that easy. Another reason they use sliver , it does not rust at all .

Silver is cheap , too buy . About eighteen dollar's for a troy once . Gold on the other hand is about $1265.00 per troy once . Not everyone can buy Gold , however Silver you can buy every week , month to month , year to year . thing of it this way . Silver is a sound and safe way too hold cash value in . Much strong than any dollar out there on market .

So , I hope I gave enough info about why you can get rich , from buying and holding silver . Add it too your investments and watch it grow in value . Silver is a strong hard asset.

Thank you for your time .
Mike Lunsford

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