Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Building Hard Assets

Here is the reason , why you need to own hard assets.
Today , watching the stock market . I saw my stocks that I hold , go down in value . However , my Gold and Silver went up in value . So it all balanced out .

I have been posting about silver and gold , for the last few post . But today , was a prime example of why you should hold hard assets like gold and silver. Just keep in mind , that what goes up will come down . The market is a funny thing , it is a true a ride with a lot of twist and turns . That will make anyone sick .

If you balance out your holdings , with soft and hard assets , it will help ease the pain . Trust me on this one . However , since the shares that are down . You can buy them on sale . Remember what goes up must come down , and what goes down must go back up . So you need to learn too buy at the right time on both soft and hard assets . The good thing about silver , it is still about $18.00 a troy oz. It is climbing , but it is still worth the buy .

Thank you for your time .
Mike Lunsford.

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