Friday, July 9, 2010

Chimera Investment Corp

Lunsford Investments , has just bought into Chimera Investment Corp .
And I am very exited about this Investment. The stock is priced around of $3.70 a share. Which pays a Dividend of 18% which is 68 cents a share. So , Lunsford Investments , is ready to buy 100 shares. That will come out to $17.00 every three mths.
The $68.00 profit from $370 Investment. Not to bad. In way my fellow investors , think of it this way. $370 mth could be a car payment . So , if Lunsford Investments buys 100 shares a mth. By the end of the year . That would be 12,000 shares. Which the dividend payout at the end of the year would be $816 from a $4440 investment.

Which is the bottom line for Lunsford Investments, to make a Profit.

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