Monday, June 7, 2010

Lunsford Investments is buying shares of Inding Energy and Mid West Bank Holding

I have been wanting to move toward Oil and Natural Gas . And Into a Bank. The problem was which way to Invest ?
I could have went with the Big Boys, but I have picked out a couple of small companies in these fields.

Indigo Energey for the Oil and Gas , trading for .03 cents a share. And Midwest Bank Holdings , which is trading for three cents aswell.

Lunsford Investments , has already bought 1121 shares of Indigo. And I have setup my account to buy 1000 shares a mouth , of Indigo Energy. The reason for this strong move to buy into Indigo , clear and simple. A up and coming INDEPENDENT COMPANY.

Just like Lunsford Investments is a Independent company.

Now, about Midwest Bank Holdings, is a little different. The Bank , was moving strong just about a year ago. Just over a $1.oo share. I believe in time Midwest will rebound from these hard times of the Markert.

And Lunsford Investments , is about helping companies grow . Big or small , I will look into them and pick the best ones for my company to Hold.

As the mouths go on we will see , if Indigo and Midwest Bank Holdings. Are good Investments.

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