Lunsford Investments has just moved Forward.
Working for Wal-Mart , I buy Wal-Mart Stock , through their Stock Opp Plan . So I have about 100 shares so far. And I have been buying Silver Proof Coins as well.
However , that is not enough for Lunsford Investments. So I have been trying to find a good way to buy different stock , from other companies.
I have been looking for a while , along time . After I am in a business to make money.
Now I found the right Bank, for me to buy stock through. ING's ShareBuilder. ShareBuilder, is perfect for me.
It lets me buy, in Dollar's not shares. And, if I only want to buy $20.00 at a time . Then I can.
Only four Dollars a trade.
Needless to say I opened account with Sharebuilder, and I bought 10 Shares of WWE Stock.
Alright, do not laugh. WWE, makes money . And yes , I do watch the shows when I can.
WWE stock was trading right under $15.00 a share , so I spent right under $150.00.
And I have now have a way to increase , my Company's Business.
First Rule in my Business ,
Second Rule ,
Third Rule ,